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The greatness of small luxuries

The bird and the bumble bee

Sometimes seem the same to me;

Just as the mouse and giraffe

Find themselves on the same path.

So the size of a thing

Will not of itself bring

Any semblance of truth

paw or greater hoof.

Scale defines the human brain

Cuts down to size the lion’s mane

And can truly magnify

Dancing stars in the night sky.

Through telescope eyepiece,

Or some other caprice,

Reduce the greater view

Distort not what is true.

Scale up a minuscule square

- Remove all else that is there -

Of moss, rock or lichened wall

 Thus to show the world and all.

For, in that minute field,

Heaven and earth’s revealed.

Far from panorama,

Here’s the detailed drama

Such microscopic glory

Makes modern an old story:

Disclosing the hidden traits

In clumped and mossy byways.

From just inches away,

  Gliding as birds-of-prey

Magicked terrain you’ll see

 Rainforest canopy!



© R M Meyer

North Devon, April/May 2019

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