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Rain love-lines
- for Mij -

It was all I thought it could be
And it came from you not from me.

There and then I found a lover -

Fain the sweet kind of a mother

That which comes unbidden from her -

These the love-lines of a wand’rer.:

Early walks in the rain with you

Others cocooned in safe situ

Better the sun they claim than rain.

So, leave them the beaches they claim.

For it isn’t the countryside

Where they would have themselves reside.

We took the fields and nestling lanes,

The woods with their soft summer rains -

Each drop comes as a gentle friend,
Which kisses the cheek as it wends

To your breast, thence to mine, until

It finds an empty space to fill.

© RM Meyer
Winswell Water, August 2020